T he art group bearing the town's name is an important cultural organization in Egypt. The art group's name is derived from the town's name and the group's mission. It provides quality training to skilled artists, promotes artistic creativity, and unites the town's residents. Aiou's art group has presented cultural and artistic projects for many years. During its annual festival, artisans from different parts of the country display their handiwork to general public. The main event of the Aiou Baai festival is a piece of paper bearing a design called 'baai' that represents the group's name. In this design, 'aa' represents Aiou and 'ou' represents all; thus, creating the name for the festival. This festival takes place in late November and lasts for three days. During this time, stalls line the town's streets displaying various goods, and various intercultural performances take place in different museums. Notably, dur...
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